Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the USA and is exploding in popularity internationally. It combines elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis. It is played with a paddle and light ball on a badminton sized court.
All skill levels are welcome and no previous playing experience is necessary.
WHEN: Thursday mornings except for the second Thursdays of each month
TIME: 10:00 - 11:30am
DATES: September 19 - December 5
LOCATION: Sporthal Houtrust, Laan van Poot 22, The Hague
COST: €40 per person for 10 sessions
* a portion of the cost will go towards a discount on the end of season get together
Registration Opens: August 13
Registration/Cancellation Deadline: September 12
Min/Max: 12/30
Due to the popularity of the sport and our limited court space, we have introduced a maximum number of participants. Please only sign up if you feel you can commit to the sessions.
Please email Hannah Gray at activities@awcthehague.org if you're interested or have any questions.
Any fee balance after expenses supports clubhouse operations.