• 13 Sep 2020
  • 17:30 - 20:00
  • Tennispark Houtrust, Laan van Poot 38, 2566 EE Den Haag
  • 10


Registration is closed

Your initial registration payment will include 2 drinks and hapjes.  Additional drinks are at your own expense and must be purchased from Tennispark Houtrust.   If you'd like a heartier fare to eat, then feel free to bring your favorite take-away food from a local restaurant or from home to enjoy on the terrace at a table.  Unfortunately, due to coronavirus, everyone must be seated at a table with no standing and mingling.  

Space is limited to 30 participants.  Min. 10/Max. 30

Registration/Cancellation Deadline:  Monday, September 7, 2020

Contact Melissa Rider at vicepresident@awcthehague.org with questions. 

Unfortunately, this event had to be changed slightly from the description that was published in the Sept/Oct Going Dutch magazine.

AWC The Hague - Bisschopstraat 5, 2596XH The Hague - The Netherlands

Email: info@awcthehague.org | Tel: +1 31 (0)70 350 6007 | Website: www.awcthehague.org

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