Christmas Cookie Exchange-Cancelled

  • 17 Dec 2021
  • 12:00 - 14:00
  • Debbie's House for Cookie Drop off and Pickup
  • 12


**This event is being modified to no longer be a social event because of the latest coronavirus restrictions in effect.  Members will ONLY exchange cookies by dropping them off at Debbie's home where she will repackage them.  Members will return later to pick up their new assortment of 3 dozen cookies.  

New Details:

* Please drop your 3 dozen homemade cookies - along with your labeled container, off at Debbie’s house between 12-2pm on Friday, December 17.

* Pick up between 3:30-4pm on the same day.

* Please specify any dietary or allergies that you may have.

Each person must bring 3 dozen of one type of homemade cookie. Sorry…no store bought cookies allowed!

Please respond to the email that you will receive upon registration with the type of cookie that you will be bringing so that we do not get too many of the same kind.  AWC member, Debbie van-Hees Cascio, will be keeping track of the various cookies.

When you drop off your cookies, please label your cookie container with your name and type of cookies. Your container will be refilled with an assortment of cookies.

Registration/Cancellation Deadline:  Friday, December 10.

AWC The Hague - Bisschopstraat 5, 2596XH The Hague - The Netherlands

Email: | Tel: +1 31 (0)70 350 6007 | Website:

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