Menopause Nutrition Discussion with Jenn Salib Huber RD ND

  • 19 Jan 2024
  • 10:00 - 12:00
  • AWC Clubhouse


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Menopause Nutrition Made Easy - Learn how intuitive eating and gentle
nutrition can help you navigate the messy middle of midlife.

Confused about what to eat during menopause? You're not alone! In this
presentation, you'll learn what's happening in perimenopause and
menopause that makes it feel like everything is changing, what the
nutrition priorities are, and how to stay out of the never-ending diet
cycle with an intuitive eating approach.

Dr Jenn Salib Huber is a Canadian-trained intuitive eating dietitian and
naturopathic doctor. Since moving to the Netherlands in 2019, she has
focused her work on supporting women in perimenopause and menopause
through education, coaching and community. In addition to her 1:1 work,
she offers support and resources through her podcast, The Midlife Feast

and on social media.

Jenn would like to know more about the participants in this discussion, please fill out this google form:

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